
Our maths curriculum:

Mathematics curriculum phasing.pdf

Year group curriculum overviews:

Click on the year group you would like to view. Contained in these, are the mathematical objectives for that specific year group that all children should be secure in by the end of the year. Also contained, are the non-statutory objectives that are used to widen their knowledge. These are used by teachers to plan the mathematical strands. Some will be covered in one lesson, some will be covered across a range of lessons as they are not all equally weighted. If you are unsure of what to practise with your child at home, these can be a fantastic help!

Year 3 - National Curriculum Overview.pdf
Year 4 - National Curriculum Overview.pdf
Year 5 - National Curriculum Overview.pdf
Year 6 - National Curriculum Overview.pdf

We have mastery approach

Here at SASM, we have been adopting a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics since September 2017. This has included supporting 5 schools, running half-termly 'Teacher Research Groups' (TRGs) at SASM and also providing termly bespoke visiting school support.

What does maths mastery look like our lessons?

Through our curriculum we ensure:

● Whole class teaching - a slower pace in lessons with a clear focus for learning (one small step at a time)

● New concepts are taught through a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods

● Children are not left behind or insufficiently challenged - all children are enabled to keep up every day (where possible same-day intervention ensures no-one falls behind) and those who are able to can be encouraged to go deeper

● Practising basic number facts that relate to the lesson regularly will ensure that children will become fluent in these e.g. timetables, number bonds

● Real life applications are given wherever possible to make learning relevant and not abstract; mathematics should be taught with a purpose and in a variety of contexts. This may be in the form of ‘Maths No Problem’ questions on the PPTs n.b. pupils do not use textbook workbooks.

You’ll see more of this:

● Teaching all children together

● Instant feedback in class through ticking and verbal feedback

● Spending longer on smaller steps

● More detailed PPTs guiding through the small steps of progression

● Giving children who need it, additional support on the same day where possible

● Focussing on the understanding and not just the process (through concrete and

pictorial representations)

● Challenge by choice

And less of this:

● Formal marking with lots of written feedback and next-steps

● Formal written plans which have no direct impact on pupil progress

● Covering lots of ideas in one week

● Separating children into ability groups