Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. This can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.
How does SASM combat bullying behaviour?
Direct teaching about anti-bullying takes place through PSHE lessons and Collective Worship.
A group of Year 6 pupils are trained Peer Mediators. Using the UN model of conflict resolution, Peer Mediators facilitate discussion about disagreements during lunchtimes.
Our incident forms contain an Anti-bullying check. This asks whether the behaviour in the incident involved a repetition of previous behaviour by either pupil, intentional behaviour, deliberately hurtful actions or an imbalance of power between pupils. If all of these questions are affirmative, the incident will be treated as an incident of bullying and the headteacher will take action directly.
All staff use our Single Information Management System (SIMs) to record patterns of behaviour to help spot bullying.
SASM is currently taking part in the 'All Together' initiative. An All Together School is one that has proven its activity to reduce bullying of all children. The All Together programme has been developed over the last three years and builds upon the work of the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s previous SEND anti-bullying champion programme which saw significant positive results. Participating schools are supported on and offline to use a social model approach to combat bullying behaviour.
For more information, please visit: