Equality, diversity and inclusion
At St Andrew’s & St. Mark’s C of E Juniors School we are committed to enabling pupils to achieve their potential in all aspects of their education and lives.
We believe that every child has the potential to succeed. Inclusion encompasses provision for children with special education needs and disability (SEND) as well as provision for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Please click on the links below to find out more about inclusion at SASM:
We have signed-up to the local authorities anti- racist pledge and inclusion charter.
Scroll down to read more
Sarah Crowther (SENCo - Equality and Diversity Manager)
Anti racist pledge
As a group of schools in Kingston and Richmond we commit to:
Understanding our context, learning about the lived experiences of all our pupils, families and staff.
Focusing on listening to pupil, parent and staff voices, creating safe spaces for complicated conversations and co-constructing the work with each other.
Using a safeguarding first, trauma informed approach to racism with wellbeing at the centre of our work.
Ensuring that complexities are seen as needs not barriers, using an anti racist, intersectional lens to consider personalised approaches.
Using a racial justice lens for all areas of our school life and embedding this approach into our school development plans, policies, practices and CPD for all staff.
Equipping the senior management team in our school to lead on racial justice.
Using critical reflexivity, valuing, respecting and celebrating difference and being open to challenge and change.
Understanding that this work is never finished and is part of our ongoing work towards justice, equity and inclusion.
Sharing our good practice and learning with other schools and partners in our communities and being open to learning from others.
Securing excellent, high achievement and life outcomes for all our pupils, using quantitative and qualitative data to ensure accountability for outcomes and to drive change.
Developing and updating a shared language among ourselves so that we can communicate effectively.