Teaching and Learning

Our Teaching Vision

At St Andrew’s and St Mark’s we believe in the right learning at the right time. Our curriculum is implemented with a clear intention: to develop pupils’ knowledge and skills in each subject clearly and incrementally. Pupils’ vocabulary is taught explicitly in each subject in order to foster ability and understanding. Our curriculum is designed to enable knowledge retention and the ‘sticky knowledge’ of each unit of work is carried forward to further learning and equips pupils’ to be life-long learners as they transition into secondary education and the world of work. Links between years and subjects are made to provide a holistic education and helps learners build connections that helps them ask further questions about the world around them. Our curriculum is reinforced through enrichment opportunities that fosters all pupils’ talents and develops cultural capital: we are part of a wider Christian and global community. This approach enables all to be the best they can be by working together. 

In-line with our belief that all children should experience, 'life in all its fullness', our curriculum is designed to ensure representation and participation of all groups. Our Equality Objectives and SEND report and PPG strategy outline how we achieve this.

Our subject leaders would welcome further discussions about our curriculum and can be contacted via the school office

Learning at home

We have first-class facilities at SASM including: