School Uniform

At St. Andrew’s and St. Mark’s we expect all children to wear school uniform.  We believe this shared identity gives children a sense of belonging and helps them to take pride in the school and their appearance. Winter uniform is worn from after the October half term until the end of the spring term.

Copy of SASM Uniform

Our uniform policy to ensures that our uniform keeps our sense of belonging whilst branded items are kept to a minimum. 

Which items of uniform require a school logo?

Only 3 items required to have the school logo

Non-branded black shoes are required as part of our uniform

Where can I buy SASM uniform?

We are always open to feedback with regards to uniform or any other issue via the school office (in person, on 0208 3902976 or via

Your child will need a school bag in which to keep their planner, homelearning sheets/books, reading book, any letters sent home and a pencil case suitably equipped – please see last page of the handbook.

If pupils feel they should wear extra garments for religious or cultural reasons, they should be in keeping with school uniform policy (colour scheme: red, black, grey, white) and should not obscure the face.

All hair below shoulder length must be tied back and no jewellery is permitted. Please ensure your child wears a black, red or white headband/ hair tie to match the colours of our school uniform. We do not allow smart watches with internet capability in school.

Uniform can be purchased from:

67a_ Uniform & Presentation Policy (no changes required summer 2024)