
SASM’s English Aims 

We hope that when our children leave SASM, they will have met these aims.


Our Reading Curriculum

Copy of English (reading) 3i (inc golden threads)


As a Junior school, the vast majority of pupils will join us as developing readers with an understanding of phonics. All pupils who require additional teaching in phonics join our Read, Write, Inc. programme.

How we support your child in English

English at SASM

 You can find www.thebooktrust.org.uk recommended 100 best books here


•Use a neat and legible cursive script when writing at speed.

•To enjoy writing for a range of audiences and purposes. 

•Use appropriate spelling, grammar and punctuation in their writing.

All children have regular handwriting practice from Year 3 onwards. Here are some examples of writing which is worthy of the highly regarded pen licence! 

Our writing journey (2).pdf

Grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS)

Here are the aspects of grammar we teach at each stage of your child's learning:

Year 3-6 grammar coverage, inc. pre-key stage

The Y6 writing statements can be found here:

TAF 2018s.pdf

A big part of English lessons at SASM is drama. Role play, hot-seating, freeze framing and immersion within texts and plays improves the children’s understanding and ultimately leads to better quality writing.  

Children at SASM practise their spellings everyday in school. Please ensure your child is also spending time practising their spellings at home. A variety of ways to learn and practise spellings are listed below.  

Use different coloured pens to do magic spelling. Children learn the words in chunks and the colours help them to visualise the letters when spelling the word.

A spelling scribble is a great way to practise spelling words once they have been learned. Draw a large scribble on a blank page and then fill in each gap with a spelling word. 

Pyramid words help to reinforce the order of letters in your child’s mind. They begin by writing the first letter, then on the next line the first and second letter. They continue until the word is complete.


Boxed words is a great spelling strategy for visual learners. Once they have spelt the word correctly, they draw a box around it, paying close attention to ascender and descender letters. The completed box helps to remind them of the shape of the word.

Supporting your child's spelling.pptx

Y5&6 spelling words

Y56 spelling.pptx

Y3&4 spelling words

Y34 spellings.pptx

These lists are words which are commonly misspelt. By the end of KS2, the children need to be able to spell all of the words on these lists. In addition to their normal spelling lessons, children will also be given these words to learn and spell throughout their time at SASM.