Our Teaching & Support Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Matt Gates (Headteacher, Child Protection Officer, Assessment Manager)
Sarah Crowther (Deputy Headteacher, SEND Co-ordinator, Attendance Officer)
Emily Woodward (Assistant Headteacher, Senior Mental Health Lead, English Leader)
Joanne Church
(School Business Manager)
Laura Dandy
(School Business Manager)
Teaching Team
Year 3 Team
Elaine McCormick (Geography Lead)
Daniel Clarke
(Computing Lead)
Florence Jervis (RE Lead)
Bayley Robnett (Art Lead)
Victoria Cumper (HLTA)
Michael Dommett
Laura Hollick
Annette Simmonds (HLTA)
Year 4 Team
Charles Burley
(Science Lead)
Katherine Husband (Maths Lead)
Emily Rickards
Maria Jones
(Languages and EAL Lead)
Debjani Banik
Sam Hall (ELSA)
Melody Leung
Uzma Pervez
Karen Reitsma
Year 5 Team
Lois Lancaster
Victoria Moore
(PE MIddle Lead)
Georgia Jose
(Music Lead)
Annabel Dickens (History Lead)
John Head (HLTA)
Melody Leung
Gary Waldock
Year 6 Team
Gracie Gardiner
Patrick Medway (English Lead: Writing and GPS)
Molly Senior (DT Lead)
Emily Woodward (Assistant Headteacher, Senior Mental Health Lead, English Lead: Reading)
Heather Chaplin
Michael Dommett
Lisa Staines
(DT Middle Leader)
Ellie Hall
Support Team
Stephanie Morgan (Secretary)
Dale Byrne
(Office team and Clerk to the Governors)
Andrea Recksiek-Butt
(Office team)
Shazia Tarannum (Office team)
Alison Miller
(School Community Worker)
Catering Team
Deborah Luxon
Nana Johnson
Wraparound Care Team
Cathy Moysey
Victoria Cumper (HLTA)
Carolyn Jones
Debjani Banik
Maria Dimela
Facilities Team
Malcolm Blair
Note: no member of staff at our school earns more than £100,000 per year. Schools are required to publish the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings