Supporting maths learning at home
Key Instant Recall Facts -
To help develop children’s fluency in mathematics, we ask them to learn Key Instant Recall Facts each half term.
Please ensure that your child has instant recall of each concept. This will help them grasp the maths curriculum much faster. Scroll down the documents below to find each year group.
Multiplication Tables
As every single child should know all of their multiplication tables by the end of year 4, SASM ensure that we try our best to motivate the children to learn them. Knowing multiplication facts ‘off the top of your head’ is vitally important as it allows your child to access formal written methods of multiplication, division, fractions, percentages and many more areas, much quicker.
SASM Times Tables Challenge
SASM’s renowned ‘Times Tables Challenge’ is a great way to motivate your child to learn this essential curriculum standard. Moving from bronze to silver, and finally gold, allows them to track their progress. Knowing all of their times tables is rewarded by the infamous gold star badge to wear as part of their uniform!
TT Rockstars
Alongside this, to help with the learning of times tables, we have also have a paid subscription to ‘TT Rockstars’. This exciting way of practising their times tables allows them to create their own avatar. The more they practise their times tables, the more money they earn to spend on their rockstar avatar. Here are some examples of our avatars:
If you would like to see this in action, please ask your child to show you at home and see how amazing (as stated by the School Parliament) this app really is!
Thank you for all your daily support with practising multiplication tables! It makes a real difference to their learning!
MyMaths is a fantastic resource to help your child at home. The majority of maths home learning is set on this as it is an engaging way for your child to complete the home learning, automatically marks and provides feedback, and also gives them a chance to practise again if they didn’t do as well as they could. A fantastic resource on MyMaths is being able to take part in a lesson on any given topic listed. Therefore, if children are uncertain about their home learning topic, they are advised to go through the online lesson before hand. Click the robot to take you to MyMaths.
Written methods
As stated by the national curriculum, formal written methods are introduced from Year 3. Here are worked examples of how the written methods should look across the school. The four operations are vitally important, as number is at the core of being a good mathematician, so regular practice will only help to embed this. It is key to note, that progression of written methods extends across the school where the use of visual representations are used to aid children into the understanding of these written methods. Scroll down to see all written methods.